RosExpert, Decision Dynamics Russia-based partner, recently conducted a large career study of 500 persons in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The study shows that while a traditional “climbing the ladder” type of career is still the general perception of success, the new generation of Russians entering the job market are more driven by lateral career movements and developing one-self and others. Antonina Ivanova, Senior Consultant at RosExpert, explains:
Nowadays the situation has changed dramatically. We have moved to the economy formed by supply and demand. That has brought new opportunities for both employers and employees. Companies now compete for clients with quality of goods and level of services which means a call for attracting best talents that are able to deliver on new strategies. Topics of employee engagement and retention bring up the question of understanding their motives and aspirations. Employees investigate a new reality as well. The Career Model has the potential to help both organizations and employees to pursue their goals while speaking the same language of motives and opportunities.
It would seem then that the post-Soviet Zeitgeist is one of exploration and self-fulfillment – making it no wonder that the Career Model is being so well received in the Russian market. In a short time-frame, several Russian magazines, including notable publications such as Forbes and Marie Claire, have recently published articles that highlight Decision Dynamics Career Model, a coverage made possibly through contributions by Ivanova.